PITTAWAY, A. R. (1993): The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic. – 240 S.; London & Colchester (Harley Books).
Besprechung von Erwin Rennwald
Aus der Beschreibung: „A detailed study of the sphingid species found in the region – an area bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Sahara Desert to the south, the Arctic to the north, and Siberia to the east – with emphasis on their biology, ecology and breeding. The Introduction includes an Historical Account of the Study of the Sphingidae, listing major British and foreign works on the family. Then follow chapters on Life History, Adult Morphology, Ecology of Western Palaearctic Sphingidae, and Classification. The Systematic Section includes a Check List, followed by detailed descriptions of 57 species and 28 subspecies, with full synonymy, distribution maps, text figures of adults, genitalia, larvae and pupae, and vernacular names in several European languages. Four appendixes (Rearing Hawkmoths, Hostplants, Gazetteer and Glossary) and comprehensive references follow. The colour plates depict 110 figures of adults of all the species and many subspecies photographed from set specimens; larvae of 40 species and five subspecies or forms on their hostplants; two photographic plates of Habitats and five of larvae and adults in the wild. The book concludes with separate indexes of insects, plants and topics.”
Ein schöner, wissenschaftlich sauber ausgearbeiteter Band von einem Vollprofi, der nahezu alle Arten selbst durchgezüchtet hat (warum hier nur 40 Arten als Raupe abgebildet werden, bleibt unverständlich). Der Band ist insgesamt noch erfreulich günstig. Wer den Band aber nur Zuhause will und glaubt, dass das Internet stets verfügbar ist, kann auf den Kauf verzichten und ganz auf die aktuell gehaltene Seite http://tpittaway.tripod.com/sphinx/list.htm setzen.