1, ♂: Spanien, León, Boca de Huérgano, Embalse de Besande, 1235 m, 10. August 2020 (det. & fot.: Teresa Farino & Dave Grundy), conf. (GU) Colin W. Plant [Forum]
1-3, ♂: Daten siehe Etiketten (fot.: Michel Kettner), coll. ZSM, "Herbulot-Sammlung"
ZERNY (1927: 425) [nach Copyright-freiem Scan aus der am 31. Januar 2018 geschlossenen Biodiversity Heritage Library Europe, bhl-europe.eu]
MÜLLER et al. (2019: 36) vermerken: "Taxon margaritata was raised to species rank by LERAUT (2009), based on male genitalia characters. The mentioned aedeagus and valva characters appear diagnostic, in addition to the female characters diagnosed in the current volume, and we consider O. margaritata valid at species Level, as did VIVES MORENO (2014) also. So far it has been possible to classify all examined specimens in the Iberian peninsula either as O. dumetata or O. margaritata, but we highlight that more material needs to be examined in the Pyrenees and northern Spain to exclude the possibility of clinal variation. Interestingly, These taxa have not yet been found to occur sympatrically."
Die Art ist bisher nur aus dem mittleren und nördlichen Spanien bekannt.
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)